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Thursday 11 August 2011


The concept of my design is to experience textures through only touch, without the aid of sight. This causes the user to depend on what they feel and allocate it to a colour, displaying links between the two senses that are not usually obvious. Because we usually depend on at least two senses (e.g. sight and touch), having to rely on one changes the encounter and creates a new experience.
            To achieve this experience in the most truthful way I created black boxes that each contains different textures. Each of these textures is not a common texture and so is quite unrecognizable. This way the user cannot picture how the texture looks in their mind, causing authenticity because they must go on touch alone. When all of the boxes are placed on an assigned colour there is a texture wheel created. Users can then feel and see how they relate each texture in their mind, without sight obstructing their view. As a colour wheel merges from one colour to the next, so will their texture wheel.
             My experience causes users to examine their perceptions and realize how much they rely on each sense for diverse information.

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